Individual Therapy

“Before we go forward, we have to go inward.”

Ocean Vuong

Expand Possibilities. Live a Values-Aligned Life.

We all need spaces where we can just simply “be” - where we do not have to be perfect, push through, or have it “all together”. We also often need support to make meaningful and lasting change and work towards our goals. Together, we will help you to understand more about yourself and your patterns, relate to your experiences in more compassionate ways, and develop new skills to manage difficult or stressful parts of your life so you can feel more grounded, connected, and empowered. 

My practice is inclusive and affirming for people from all backgrounds and identities across race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith, body size, neurodiversity, and ability. I have supported clients with a number of concerns, including but not limited to:

  • Anxiety - worry, panic, phobias, test anxiety, illness anxiety, performance anxiety

  • Body image 

  • Depression

  • Grief/loss - bereavement, divorce, break-ups

  • Life transitions - academic and workplace adjustment, role changes, geographic relocation

  • Multicultural and identity concerns - experiences with microaggressions/discrimination, biracial/multiracial/bicultural experiences, immigration, adult children of immigrants, intergenerational trauma, acculturation, exploring sexual and gender identity

  • Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders 

  • Relational and interpersonal challenges - shyness, social anxiety, dating and intimate relationships, boundary-setting, “people pleasing”, interpersonal trauma, family of origin concerns

  • Romantic relationships - improving communication and emotional intimacy, conflict resolution and de-escalation, sexual concerns and intimacy issues, healing from infidelity, interracial/intercultural couples, transition to parenthood

  • Self-criticism, perfectionism and imposter fears 

  • Sexuality - low desire, enhancing sexual intimacy and communication, sexual pain

  • Work-life integration - stress management, burnout

In addition to the above issues, I have special interest and experience working with the following populations:

  • Biracial/Multiracial Individuals

    Identifying as biracial or multiracial means you often hold multiple experiences, perspectives, and truths simultaneously. Others may readily make assumptions about your identity. You yourself often ponder who you really are and where you truly belong when you are so used to living “in between”. You may have experienced the painful impact of colorism, and feel excluded or isolated within your communities. At the same time, there may be contexts where you hold privilege because of how others perceive you. It can all feel confusing and exhausting…you wish there could be a way to just simply be.

    You belong. There is space for your whole self here.

    Together, we can create a safe and affirming space for your unique identity and story to unfold, however you want it to be expressed. You can be assured that you are working with someone who will validate your feelings and experiences, and support you in your journey.

  • Pregnant & Postpartum Individuals

    Maybe your journey to parenthood is not what you envisioned. You may have prior experiences of loss or trauma as you are trying to conceive. During pregnancy, you might be feeling anxious and overwhelmed as your body undergoes so many changes. Perhaps you feel less connected to your baby than you expected, and it is hard to be present when your brain is consumed by the “what ifs”. You do not feel you can tell others how you are truly feeling, which only makes you feel more isolated.

    You do not have to go through this alone. The adage is true - it truly does take a village to raise a child. Therapy can be an integral part of your village.

    Together, we can help you learn strategies so you feel more grounded, present and empowered, and connect to resources for support so you feel strengthened by community.

    As someone certified in perinatal mental health and who has navigated my own parenthood journey, I bring both professional expertise and empathy to support you in this time of life. I welcome all parents - new, experienced, or hopeful, of all gender identities and sexual orientations.

  • Professionals in High Demand Fields

    You have landed the job/promotion/career that you have worked towards for so long, but it is hard to feel content when you are constantly stressed and on edge. Perhaps you are feeling like an imposter, believing that everyone else deserves to be here while you are the only one who does not know what they are doing. Maybe you are experiencing a “double bind” at work given your identities, and you constantly do mental gymnastics wondering how you “should'' act, always worrying how you will be perceived. It can be isolating and stressful when you are one of the few (or the only one) who looks like you on your team. You have started feeling apathetic, undervalued, and burnt out, and you lack the passion for your work that you once felt. It can be hard to turn off your brain in the evenings and weekends, and your personal relationships are suffering. Work-life balance feels out of reach.

    You are successful at your work because you are intelligent, driven, and focused. And now, you want to create space for the other parts of you.

    Together, we can explore strategies for you to feel more empowered while you navigate challenging environments and systems, find ways to be more present in your relationships, and cultivate more satisfaction and centeredness your work and daily life.

  • Young Adults

    This time of your life is filled with excitement and possibility, yet it may feel daunting to balance everything that’s expected of you - dating/relationships, finding and building a career path, and somehow figuring out who you really are and what you truly want. There is so much pressure to succeed personally and professionally. It can be confusing to disentangle messages from society and your family and cultural communities about how you “should” be versus how you may want to be. Despite having achieved so much, you may often feel behind your peers. It seems like other people have somehow got it all figured out, whereas you frequently feel lost and untethered. On top of it all, you may be feeling horrified by sociopolitical events, and getting constantly bombarded by information through social media leads you to feel anxious, inadequate, isolated and overwhelmed.

    It is possible to feel more grounded and confident.

    Together, we can help you work through the many complex emotions that can arise with this time of life, develop coping strategies so you feel better equipped to navigate the challenges, and begin cultivating a purposeful path that is aligned with your values.